I refer you again to the two examples that have been brought up repeatedly: Memory Alpha and Comixpedia. We're not getting those volunteers back, and in the former case we can't ever heal the fork because they chose a different licence. Those forks were a stupid and bad idea. And if you disagree on that, please explain what good they do Wikipedia, both in themselves as forks and as bad examples frustrated contributors may follow in the future.
- d.
I wouldn't say Memory Alpha is bad. Their non-commercial license allows them to use more materials copyrighted by Paramount, and some articles that belong to a fan-wiki wouldnt' really belong to Wikipedia. Same with other fan-wikis, like Battlestar Wiki or The Vault (a [[Fallout (computer game)]] wiki). I don't think full dialogue files from a computer game or articles about every minor character in a game belong to Wikipedia. That's why I founded a separate wiki for that, not because I was driven away.