On 24/09/2007, Earle Martin wikipedia@downlode.org wrote:
Someone wrote:
No, I consider Wikipaedia an attack site, and do not wish to further Wikipaedia's attacks against individuals.
Sorry, but why is this person still being allowed to post here? It's enough of a firehose already without this kind of nonsense.
-- Earle Martin http://downlode.org/ http://purl.org/net/earlemartin/
So let me get this straight. Wikipaedia has the right to emotionally hurt, emotionally harass, emotionally abuse, paint in a false light, defame, or violate the privacy of any individual it does not like, for whatever reason. These individuals, however, do not have the right to lift a finger in their defence, nor does anyone else have a right to speak on their behalves, nor do the Chinese have a right to say anything at all.