On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 14:58:33 -0400, "The Cunctator" cunctator@gmail.com wrote:
There is an immense amount of illogic in the above paragraph. Are you claiming that songs about masturbation don't exist? Or that it's impossible to tell what "Turning Japanese" and "Blister in the Sun" are talking about?
Of course not. I am claiming that the mere existence of one or more songs-about-randomly-selected-thing does not confer any inherent merit on the subject of songs-about-randomly-selected-thing, and most of the songs-about-randomly-selected-thing in most of the lists are in fact songs which the editor who added them believes mention or allude to thing, at some point.
Although to be fair, I thought the only wankers in "turning Japanese" were the ones singing it...
Guy (JzG)