Alphax wrote:
Raphael Wegmann wrote:
Phil Boswell wrote:
Raphael Wegmann wrote:
I have agreed to the linkimage compromise long time ago. IMHO it is neither necessary nor favourable to suppress the cartoons. But it is necessary to show respect by accepting a compromise (i.e. a linkimage template).
Respect to whom?
Right. As a Christian, I *DEMAND* that you remove (insert long list of stuff which Christians might find possibly offensive); etc. etc. ad. absurdium.
That's the worst slippery slope argument I've ever read. You didn't even bother to bring a single example.
If you'd like some more grease on that slipperly slope of yours, just holler...
It's your slippery slope.
and for what?
for being humans as well.
I have a nice list of strawmen that we could clog the list with to argue... well, anything you want really.
The "teenage muggers", Phil Boswell brought up, are strawmen:
Is this the kind of "respect" which is demanded by teenage muggers who then proceed to carve up their victims for insufficient amounts thereof?
Before you put grease on your slipperly slope, I'd like to note, that I definitely plead for respect towards Christians as well. Since the majority within the Wikipedia community is Christian, I don't see much disrespect towards them.