Ec wrote in part:
But dismissing chiropractors as utter charlatans does not lead to the conclusion that the standard medical doctor will perfect.
Certainly not.
They too have often been sold a bill of goods by drug company sales representatives with fat commissions to protect..
And one also needs to considere the sceptical POV of this as well.
Toby Bartels wrote:
As a mathematician, I'm contractually obligated to refute misapplications of Gödel's theorems. Of course, you only said "In the spirit of" ....
It would be a shame if Gödel had no practical application!
Well, these theorems have application to logic and philosophy. They're related to matters with application to computer science.
Of course, we're not exactly comparing the same things here, scientific verification vs mathematical proof.
You really should try to get people in the other sciences to accept mathematical standards of proof. :-)
I trust that the smiley is an «I'm just kidding, I'm not serious.» smiley. ^_^
-- Toby