Mark Gallagher wrote:
G'day Alphax,
Akash Mehta wrote: [fixed top posting]
But isn't that taken for granted, that we must blindly accept, while accepting as little as possible, that Christianity is the dominant religion?
No. It accepts the historical fact that Christianity was the major influencing religion in Western Europe (and from there, the "Western world") for the better part of 1700 years.
1700 years? I've got a note here saying the "Common Era" has lasted 2006 years ... but I admit, your number is far closer to what my history and religion teachers all told me.
How strange!
The /Anno Domini/ system was actually first invented in 525 CE, so it's been in use for 1481 years so far. Of course, the epoch of the era defined by that system was backdated by 525 years, so we can still be in the 2006th year of an era that has only been meaningfully defined for less than 1500 of those years.
-- Neil, on Seshhanbeh, 1385 Shahrivar 14.