On 4/19/07, Marc Riddell michaeldavid86@comcast.net wrote:
on 4/19/07 9:10 AM, Info Control at infodmz@gmail.com wrote:
Who's basic humanity and cultural sensitivity? For some cultures and people, suicide is acceptable. Do we impose a Christian viewpoint? Jew? Muslim? Buddhist? Atheist? Humanist? American? Japanese? African?
Applying morals like this is dangerous because it opens the door for a "moral majority" to control things, which is inherently and horrically wrong.
And there is one common thread which binds all of your religious and ethnic examples: the human being. For this is what we all are before anything else is superimposed over us.
Respecting and preserving that human life is also a common thread which connects us all.
Is it? I'm a firm believer in the right to die, and I know I'm not the only one here.