Karl A. Krueger said:
On Thu, Feb 17, 2005 at 01:14:26PM -0000, Tony Sidaway wrote:
But the chap in the autofellatio picture is clearly an adult having a whole heap of fun. The girl in the Lolicon picture is submitting to child abuse, and the presentation is, or is intended to be, erotic. Perhaps the fact that the latter picture is an anime drawing is the reason why it seems to fly under so many radars.
One obvious distinction is that one is a photograph, being cited as evidence that a certain act is possible. The other is a drawing, serving as an example of a genre of drawing.
Yes. An example of the eroticization of child abuse.
(And it's not really clear to me that the model in the photograph is having a whole heap of fun. He's a porn actor; he's paid to do that, whether he gets a nasty crick in his back from it or not. Plus he looks as if he's about to burst a blood vessel either in his forehead or his .... somewhere else.)
Well, he didn't get that erection by accident.