On 23 Apr 2007 at 09:03:01 -0400, Marc Riddell michaeldavid86@comcast.net wrote:
his cries, and jumps into the hole with him. ?What the hell are you doing? ? the man in the hole says. ?I?ve been in here before? the other man replies, ?and I know the way out.?
You still seem to have some character set problems with your mail program; in the digest version, your quotes and apostrophes come out as question marks, while in the web archive:
they're superscripted numbers. What do people who get the messages in single-message form see? The header as shown by this message in the digest has the content type as text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1", which is a character encoding that doesn't have so-called "smart quotes" (curly quotes and apostrophes) in it, so if your mail program is trying to insert them, this is bogus. You should stick to plain ASCII straight quotes.