"The Cunctator" wrote
I think a powerful fallacy in your line of reasoning is the assumption that the encyclopedia in its current state is anywhere near the point of being comprehensive.
Oh, but I entirely agree. Adding bishopcruft at a great rate, myself.
We should be expending every effort to prevent Wikipedia from being less welcoming or harder for newbies. Signs that Wikipedia is becoming less welcoming for newbies indicate the primary points of decay in the system.
Well, I certainly agree on one aspect of this: somehow making it harder for new editors to edit simply means they remain inexperienced newbies longer, which is no help at all.
Another thing: policy should be brought to a state where it belongs in the same sentence as 'lucidity'. This is a known (political) problem.
I think you may misunderstand the sort of direction that would meet my approval. There is a theoretical kind of place that would be 'upmarket of Wikipedia'. That is where Citizendium wants to be. I think we have the smarts to be there ourselves. 'Floor the accelerator' doesn't really acknowledge the possibility, because it is solely about growth.
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