G'day Akash,
[Please don't top-post]
Some day we'll need to come up with a comprehensive list of all those working on CVU / RC patrol and together switch all the policies so that vandals no longer know the location of AIV :) I remember when
CVU is not as important as it thinks it is, nor is it as successful[0] as it ought to have been. The emphasis some people place on CVU, as if it's all there is to vandalism cleanup efforts, is irksome.
someone put hundreds of instances of the nazi symbol on an article and it took half an hour till somebody figured out how to use the index.php?target=...&action=edit format to get rid of it, and after various accounts vandalised with the same vandalism, yet another sockpuppet applied for the page to be semi protected and succeeded!
I think posts like this one, considering both your suggestion at top (however tongue-in-check you intended it) and the story you relate here show just why CVU, if it must exist at all, needs a swift kick in the butt.
[0] Depending on how you define it. If you don't care about newbies bitten, games of Chinese Whispers enjoyed, Cluey people pissed off, etc., CVU is wonderful.