Gurch wrote:
Luna wrote:
What say we add new nominations to the top, instead? Might get them a bit more attention.
That's a good idea - and when you think about it the logical way to do these things. Though I can guarantee if this change is adopted, the first day it goes into effect the nominations will all end up in a jumbled heap :)
There's a pretty simple fix that will avoid most of the confusion: just include a HTML comment at the bottom of the list saying something to the effect of "<!-- NO, you fool, add your nomination at the OTHER END! -->". (We actually have one at the top already, it just needs to be moved to the bottom and made more conspicuous.)
Though I suppose the various "AfD helper" user scripts may not notice that; it might be a good idea to go around fixing them in advance, with some conditional code so that they'll start working right as soon as the comments are changed.