On 31 Mar 2007 at 13:06, doc doc.wikipedia@ntlworld.com wrote:
- introducing a strong quality threshold, where we don't include, or
swiftly delete, articles that aren't currently up to it. Yes, in theory they can be fixed, and if someone is actually willing to do it, then fine; but most wont be fixed and should not hang around 'because in an ideal wiki we'd fix them'
But if you cut off the bottom few rungs of a ladder, then nobody will ever be able to climb it. There may be a lot of topics on which there will some day be a really great article if you let somebody start with a crappy article, and others improve into a slightly less crappy article, and so on. If you have unreasonably high standards from the start, then no article will even get started.
We need a reality check here, folks.
Perhaps your reality check just bounced... :-)