The Cunctator wrote:
There seems to be a needlessly aggressive posture from the front office, etc. on this issue, which I'm sure is due only to the pressures of the situation. Let me state for the reecord that I, with I'm sure essentially everyone else in this thread, is here to help. We can't help the Foundation, Danny, etc. if we're not told what's going on.
Can you tell me about the "needlessly aggressive posture"? Can you tell me exactly what you would like to know, such that you feel that you're not being told what's going on?
I have to admit, I keep on seeing the "If you only understood..." argument repeatedly made; that doesn't seem helpful. When communication breaks down, it's the responsibility of both parties to repair it.
I am entirely unclear as to what else I could communicate here, nor how much less aggressive I could possibly be.