On 01/02/2008, Mathias Schindler mathias.schindler@gmail.com wrote:
Now might be an interesting time to mention the usual excuse when religious fanatics are blowing up a market, an embassy or a subway train: Islam means peace.
Did I say excuse? I am sorry, I meant refutation. The excuse is usually a variation of "You offended me".
Next time, one out 1 billion muslims forgets his/her good manners, the ones responsible are: You, Wikipedians, thanks to our policy to spread knowledge (which we all know is the greatest enemy any kind of religion).
A nice place to observe peacefulness under the label of a religion can be found at a petition http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/signed.cgi?mjk123&1 to the "Wikepedia Authorities" to apply sharia to wikipedia.org content, as interpreted by the undersigned. The petition can be found at http://www.petitiononline.com/mjk123/petition.html
They've got 50 sigs big deal. Yes having the images of Mohamed in the Mohamed article is upsetting Muslims but so far ~<1% of responses to the larger online petition (now up to 62K sigs) have suggested violence. Compares well to things like animal rights or flag buring or other silly things westerners get upset about.