Erik Moeller wrote:
If you have problems with Vera Cruz, just remind her[1] that she is on borrowed time. Vera Cruz is also known as Lir. Lir was banned in November and immediately signed up under the new handle. By doing so, Lir subverted the ban and thereby Wikipedia policy -- instead of talking to Jimbo about lifting the ban, she pretended to be someone else. This alone would be reason enough to re-establish the ban.
But to be clear, Lir and I do talk about lifting the ban, basically on and off every week or two. I have not heard from Lir, though, since I heard about the Vera Cruz persona. So we haven't discussed that.
My position with Lir has been simple and consistent. Show me by explaining in your own words what happened and what you will do to avoid it, and I will reinstate you on a trial basis. Lir has thus far not done anything even closely resembling this. I don't really know why.