On 3/23/07, charles.r.matthews@ntlworld.com charles.r.matthews@ntlworld.com wrote:
Slim Virgin wrote:
On 3/23/07, Sheldon Rampton sheldon@prwatch.org wrote:
Wikipedia is a big enough topic that it attracts all kinds of reporters, all kinds of criticism and all kinds of praise. Overall, I think it has gotten fairly sympathetic press.
Yes, indeed, though I sense that's coming to an end.
Sheldon is talking good sense, Sarah and Ray are not. The press will print bad-news stories about WP, but that's because such stories are _news_. As David Gerard has just said, the hacks like WP and are well disposed towards us.
A rule in journalism is that there comes a point when the story has to change; when what was good is made bad, and vice versa. The story always has to change.