On 25/05/07, George Herbert george.herbert@gmail.com wrote:
I agree with Jeff that a large grey area exists in the middle, over which much argument will no doubt ensue (it's impossible, or at least impractical, to figure out how to write down a policy that will without exception properly classify future events and decisions). But I think that this is a reasonable and viable underlying policy to work outwards from.
And in practice, this is pretty much how it happens - just without review boards and review board review boards and straw polls and so forth.
Most of our living bio issues are (a) treated as urgent (b) solved without fuss. That a fuss is made in the case of Crystal whatsit *even if she hasn't personally filled out Wikipedia complaint form 17-Q-8-B* is not a reason to throw out or radically revise living bio or content policies because a group of apparently single-issue editors think they can swing a DRV vote. BLP beats DRV unless there's some pretty spectacular reason that has yet to be encountered in practice in the last year and a half.
- d.