A. Nony Mouse wrote:
Absolutely nothing whatsoever. It's symbolic of the fact that I daren't give my real name, knowing the inevitable things David Gerard would do to it if he knew it.
A. Nony Mouse
On 7/31/05, Phroziac phroziac@gmail.com wrote:
Just wondering, what's troll like about A Nony Mouse? I didn't thing anything of the name, but i do understand what it means now :)
I'm sure that there are a few of us who would be interested in your complaints, if we knew that a real editor was involved, but dealing with an anonymous troll makes us unwilling to look any further into it.
Should you wish to disclose your identity, email me via the Wikipedia email system - I shall do likewise to confirm this. I will NOT reveal your identity to anyone else, but I will certainly take your comments more seriously.
Note that should you continue to conceal your identity, you will continue to be treated as a troll, and I for one will ignore any further posts.
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