On Mon, 21 Jul 2008, FT2 wrote:
Broadly, concur. Though unsure the best response. Ban all would be a bit draconian. It would need considerable thought whether it was resolvable by any lesser means than deciding "you you and you are major players on both sides, consider yourself temp banned".
"Punish everyone involved" is common in the schoolyard.
Which is not a positive comparison. Because it leads to serious injustice in the schoolyard, when a kid gets bullied, complains about it, and the teachers punish both the bully and the victim.
A response which says "punish them whether they're the victim or the perpetrator" values not making a fuss over justice. If you're going to do that, why even admit that there's such a thing as misuse of privileges at all? You obviously don't care about stopping it, after all.