on 8/28/07 11:56 PM, Jimmy Wales at jwales@wikia.com wrote:
John Lee wrote:
Might not be fair, but it reflects the perception of how we deal with whistle-blowers. Arguably we haven't had a serious case of something rotten in the state of Wikipedia being exposed, but is there any assurance that how we deal with false whistle-blowers will not be the same way we deal with real ones?
I don't think we really have "whistle-blowers" because we are vibrant open community which is constantly engaged in honest self-assessment and internal dialog, in an atmosphere where respectful dissent and diversity of viewpoints is not just tolerated but actively encouraged.
And yes, this is never perfect, but I think we do a pretty good job of it.
Much of what you say here is, unfortunately, purely theoretical. There is a strong (if misguided) blind loyalty factor which causes many to take any dissent or criticism of the Project personally; and their reactions reflect this. Critics are seen as enemies at the gate; even when they are behind that gate.
Marc Riddell