2009/3/25 WJhonson@aol.com:
That response misses the point. This "Charity" operates as a black box, not only censoring but refusing to acknowledge that their acts are hidden,
No the ISPs know they are being given the list and external audits have been carried out.
False. We know quite a bit about their actions.
and possibly arbitrary.
Only insofar as the law is.
We need this level of censorship? No. What this "charity" should do, is operate in an open manner with appropriate levels of communication with the public it claims to be serving.
It is serving ISPs. And there is quite a high level of communication between it and the ISPs. It talks to the government time to time and has dealings with the media (which for the most part isn't interested).
Big brother is not what we crave. It's what we seek to destroy. It's what we should all seek to destroy.
Err no we are looking to create an encyclopedia. Government surveillance is a separate issue.