Just a quick note on sources--some of them are in the public domain, and, if possible, can be added to Wikisource with the link {{wikisourcepar|XXX}}.
Some of us have begun doing this with EB1911 articles, and I have started looking for first person US civil war accounts in newspapers and magazine from that period. Oral histories, while not always reliable, add considerably to our understanding of the period, and are a great way to learn history. It can also be extremely beneficial to students using Wikipedia to be able to click to a newspaper article from the period being studied, which can be easily cited. Furthermore, the amount of detail that these articles give, along with the anecdotal accounts, enrich our own articles considerably. And finally, they often have great public domain illustrations.
Tonight I added _http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Admiral_David_D._Porter_ (http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Admiral_David_D._Porter) with a link from [[David D. Porter]]. The image that goes along with this is forthcoming. Personally, I think it is a nice addition to the article, with all kinds of information that we do not have. I encourage others to find similar articles for other events (the sinking of the Titanic, as reported in the NY Times, for instance, or various battles of World War I, election-related editorials, book reviews of classic works as they were published, etc.) to really enrich the Wikipedia experience.