I see no evidence of the arbcom being stacked based on political bias. That simply makes no sense. It is instead stacked w people who you (Jimbo) happen to know. Appointee's don't result in a perfect committee. Some mandate from the common man is essential.
What makes me so unhappy about my case is not only the recusals which might have occured, and the people who might have voted but did not.
I am very much saddened to be formally chastised for these 2 mistakes (and I do concede the 2 minor errors). The timing is particularly unfortunate, as I have recently gotten my first article featured ([[Human]]), and passed 30,000 edits.
To be lined up w 5 other "right wing conspirators" fingered by Cberlet... that was pretty dreadful. It has certainly called into question the rewards vrs. punishments ratio of my experience here.
I have been advised by Fred Bauder
that by emailing other arbiters, I can discuss my case (and that of what appears to be my AMA client) on the Arbcom-l list, and that is an IRC channel with the potential for conferences. I would like to pursue those remedies as could result in better outcomes in these cases.
Sam Spade
Sam Spade wrote:
Needless to say I am offended and saddened that criticism of the committe is being dismissed as the ravings of extremists. That is not a good sign. It is no compliment when those on both sides of an issue sternly criticise the "neutral" referee. When that happens in sports, it is the clearest of signals that the umpire is in the wrong.
I think we can distinguish serious and thoughtful criticism of the ArbCom from partisan rantings fairly easily. Suggesting that I am stacking the ArbCom with people whose politics I agree with is quite frankly absurd.
On the other hand, legitimate feedback to the ArbCom like: "you're too soft on trolls" or "you are too hard on users who have just made a minor mistake" might be right or wrong in the final analysis, but at least it is legitimate criticism.