On 5/2/07, C.J. Croy cjcroy@gmail.com wrote:
-I don't find searches for 'Wiki' odd at all. Most of the people searching are probably interested in the entymology. It's not like we called it 'Quickipedia' or 'Upedia'.
But that implies we are getting huge numbers of people who arrive at Wikipedia and have no idea what it is. I don't see that you would read up on [[Wiki]] then next week come back and read up on it again. I wonder what link it is that sends them there? If it was a link on [[Wikipedia]], then [[Wikipedia]] would logically have at least as many page views as [[Wiki]] does.
-My guess is that no-one's interested in reading about the Iraq War because we don't see any possibility of enlightenment from the
-Alternative hypothesis: Many, many people use Wiki for homework help and not many schools have added Iraq to their curriculums.
I like that hypothesis better.
-I have no idea why Naruto is so popular on Wikipedia, or really, anywhere. I will point out that it's the #4 search term on Lycos, below only Poker, Paris Hilton, and Myspace, so it's not an exclusively Wiki phenom.
That's a nice cross-check.
http://www.animationinsider.net/article.php?articleID=856 The preceding article says that Naruto is a relatively new Japanese import
I'd never heard of it until today. Probably a good sign.
Related: In my Naruto-related searching, I stumbled across this article. "What is popular on Wikipedia and why?" http://www.firstmonday.org/issues/issue12_4/spoerri2/
I'm not sure their conclusions are particularly enlightening. But oh well.