Poor, Edmund W wrote:
Bcorr used this puzzling phrase:
- "NPOV facts"
- Excuse me, folks, but that is a blatant contradiction in terms. I see
the terms "POV" and "NPOV" misused quite a lot, and I think this misuse betrays a fundamental misunderstanding.
NPOV = [[Neutral Point of View]]
The NPOV is a /policy/ about how to describe ideas or facts which are in dispute. The term is /not/ a synonym for "objective truth".
I can only underline this. Just yesterday I talked about this with a friend, and we agreed on this. Most people seem to think "NPOV" means "no POV", which it doesn't, and we came up with the following easy visualisation of it:
Imagine death penalty was universally accepted as an adequate punishment. Do you think our articles would mention any concerns of the moral/ethical implications of it? Certainly not. Not because these concerns are invalid or anything, but because no POV represents them. Thus, favouring death penalty *is* *the* NPOV of that hypothetical world.