Angela wrote:
I have some excellent news. After contacting the Diagonal Media Group, the parent company of, they have replaced the claim that they are "A Wikipedia" with a more appropriate title for their pages. Wikipedia, and the Wikimedia Foundation, are, of course, still linked to at the end of each page.
I'm still not happy with their site. Straight after the article, they display this text:
All content Copyright 2003 - PhatNav and Diagonal Media Group Inc.
Admittedly, there's a parenthesis after that:
(Except as noted on pages containing separately licensed content.)
but it's not noted anywhere that the particular page I'm looking at is "separately licensed content". At the bottom it says that "The Wikipedia is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation Inc.", and still at that point the reader still doesn't know that the article is from Wikipedia or even what Wikipedia is. Only the very last line gives the final information. Am I the only one who thinks this is almost deliberately obfuscated?