On 1/24/07, ยท Firefoxman enwpmail@gmail.com wrote:
Google doesnt make any manual changes to their engine, or so they say. If you are linked to by people w/ high pagerank, your rank goes up. No matter what.
Surely you're oversimplifying, because such a simple system would just...suck. Some sites have good content, but link to bad content. It doesn't take a genius to realize that, and it doesn't require any manual tweaks to recognize those sites and ignore links from them automatically.
On 1/24/07, Matthew Brown morven@gmail.com wrote:
I would personally be very surprised if being linked to by Wikipedia adds much value to a site in the first place - I'm sure Google long-ago worked out that spammers spam Wikipedia with links. Wikipedia itself is high-ranked, but I doubt much magic gets passed on.
Now that nofollow is turned on this might very well change, though. Nofollow only makes sense if you apply it to *some* links and not to others, which is exactly what Wikipedia is now doing (sister sites aren't nofollowed, for instance).