This is where I speak up and put the mergist solution, which will probably surprise those who incorrectly believe me to be an inclusionist.
I've put in a proposal to merge the indisputable bibliographic information to a suitable martial arts article and redirect there. If there is more fuckwittery the redirect can be protected. The problem can be contained without compromising the verifiable information. This also addresses Jimmy's perfectly sensible remark that the flame war stuff is unverifiable, the same kind of tripe we said goodbye and good riddance to in the Edmond Wollmann case.
Usenet and web forums breed endless nonsense like this. Even a comparatively stable forum like Urban75 breeds trolls of such ferocity and such invincible stupidity that some days you feel like you'd rather stab your eyes out with a broken bottle than go to look at the history of the last 24 hours edits.
Ashida Kim may be a popular author, and we should note his books, but we don't need to host his interminable catfights.