On Feb 4, 2008 9:36 PM, Charlotte Webb charlottethewebb@gmail.com wrote:
On 2/4/08, Wily D wilydoppelganger@gmail.com wrote:
If you possess a technical solution or are aware of how to construct one, please feel free to suggest it. If it's viable and doesn't present a significant problem to our attempts to be a quality, neutral encyclopaedia, maybe we can <s>railroad the discussion to push it through</s> develop a solid consensus so we can deal with the actual article, which is lousy.
I'm guessing a "religion" drop-down menu in Special:Preferences is right out. :p
Which would offer the following settings/inputs: * Atheist all-viewing * Brahman boolean * Christian choice * Druid dropdown * Falun gong falsifier * Gnostic gadget * Hindu hinge * Jewish jinx (sorry, running out of Js here) * Lakota lockdown * Muslim mode * Nihilistic negation * Occultistic option * Pastafari protection * Rastafari radiobox * Shinto switch * Taoism toggle * Ute undo * Vishnu version * Yazdanic you-know-what
'nuff said.