We need to get information of this sort before the genaral audience of users so that they have an informed opinion when they vote on arbitrators.
From: Sean Barrett sean@epoptic.org Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2004 08:42:13 -0800 To: arbitration@nerstrand.net Subject: Re: Decisions, Opinions, Precedents and Learning from Experience
I suggest that on any matter each arbitrator first state a conclusion such as accept or don't accept then a brief (or lengthy as it suits them) explanation of why.
I agree with you, Fred, but as I am demonstrating at the moment, if an arbiter's opinion is thought to be "incorrect", there will be immediate calls for his/her removal for thoughtcrime. A chilling effect might be seen.
-- Sean Barrett | Madness takes its toll. Please have exact change. sean@epoptic.com |