Well, it's a little more complicated than that; though if you've looked at Cyan's talk page, a number of us DID notice.
Cyan was foolish enough to make a promise to Lir that he would leave Wikipedia if Lir provided sources for an assertion which Cyan disputed. Lir did provide such a source (though it's uncertain whether he found the source before or after he made the original assertion) and Cyan decided that pride was more important and left, it seems. I hope not permanently.
-Matt (User:Morven)
-----Original Message----- From: wikien-l-bounces@Wikipedia.org [mailto:wikien-l-bounces@Wikipedia.org] On Behalf Of Rick Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2004 3:56 PM To: English Wikipedia Subject: [WikiEN-l] User:Cyan's departure
I see that no one has noted that Lir has forced Cyan to leave the project.
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