The Cunctator wrote:
I'm just hoping Wikipedia doesn't significantly factionalize--or rather, stays in factions of one. I'm mildly disturbed by the way 172 invited particular people to work on an entry ("Wanted: Tannin, Sluberstien, and Jtdirl") because I don't see that kind of behavior boding well for the future.
Knock it off, Cunc.
That's quite uncalled for, and I'm getting very tired of your relentless sniping on this list. If you had bothered to THINK about it for a momemt, you might have realised that the three people named were named for a good and obvious reason:
I have a degree in that field and (before I went into business) used to teach it at tertiary level.
Slrubenstein can also be presumed to have formal qualifications in the field (doubtless higher ones than mine) as he too teaches it at tertiary level
Jtdirl has a phD in the field, and teaches it.
You have a problem with professional expertise? Or are you just making trouble?