On 26/08/07, David Gerard dgerard@gmail.com wrote:
On 26/08/07, geni geniice@gmail.com wrote:
On 8/26/07, Gregory Maxwell gmaxwell@gmail.com wrote:
The thought behind my proposal is that the universal copyright symbol is more likely to express the importance of the information behind the link. The hand icon signifies something that you can click on.
Red C notice will tend to be percived as hostile.
It will convey the message "do not touch." CC-style icons would be much better, though there isn't an icon for GFDL, or indeed most non-CC licenses.
Though I must say, I really like Stephen Bain's use of an (i) symbol. We should use that instead of the current two-boxes image in Monobook - it much more directly says "click here for the information on this image."
- d.