This is unfortunate. Much of the work that I and others have put into the dispute resolution process aims to help in this regard by seeking consensus if possible, votes if necessary, mediation if needed and arbitration as a last resort.
Arbitration is normally the last step of a long process
This amount of bureaucracy is exactly the problem. When I initially suggested setting up a mediation team, I wanted a *single* group which could act quickly -- use both carrot and stick -- to enforce policies. This whole mediation/arbitration distinction seems fallacious to me. Alas, we're in this mess now, and it is unlikely to be fixed.
I don't care if we complement this system with emergency polls, specially appointed "enforcers" or anything like that. I don't even care about being one of the people who make these decisions, I have better things to do with my time. What I care about is that our policies are enforced, and this is currently only happening to a very small degree.