On 10/17/05, Matt Brown morven@gmail.com wrote:
On 10/17/05, Alphax alphasigmax@gmail.com wrote:
Grease Monkee wrote:
AFD functions well,
My bullshit detector just went off...
Personally, my sarcasm detector went off.
Regardless, I think there are good points being made. No matter how the specifics of VFD/AFD/VFU/whatever you want to call it are changed, it's never going to be a fun and efficient process. I think the key is to make the process easier to ignore. In my opinion, the way to do that is 1) allow any user to view the content of deleted pages, and 2) not make an ordinary deletion decision set a binding precedent upon those who didn't participate in the discussion. With those simple modifications, I think a lot of people would learn to ignore the minutiae and focus on the larger issues.
-Matt (User:Morven)