On Dec 2, 2007 12:19 PM, Kwan Ting Chan ktc@ktchan.info wrote:
On Sun, 2007-12-02 at 16:43 +0000, Guy Chapman aka JzG wrote:
Simpler still: she was as wrong in her interpretation of responses as she was wrong about !!. This requires no assumption of bad faith, no guesswork, no additional hypotheses.
That Durova's judgment was badly out is not in dispute; why look for any other explanation?
You can't just brush aside people desire to check there isn't another, the actually correct, explanation as sometimes god forbid what we're told isn't necessarily the truth.
Convince people why the explanation given is the true one, and that that one isn't trying to hide something. Just brushing away queries is only going to lead to suspicions that something is being hidden and that they should try even harder to look for a different explanation.
The way these inquiries are traditionally done is that one submerges the person being queried under water for a period of time; if they do not drown, then they are a witch and are burned at the stake, whereas if they do drown, it proves their innocence, and their souls go straight up to heaven. Win-win!