"Poor, Edmund W" Edmund.W.Poor@abc.com writes:
But in the debate over the environment, there is no consensus. Some scientists think one thing, while others think another. The viewpoint of the UN's climate panel, which was a plank in the Democratic Party's campaign, is that THERE IS A CONSENSUS FAVORING GLOBAL WARMING THEORY.
Ed, will you drop this. You don't know what you're talking about.
There is not unanimity, there is however, certainly a massive majority of informed scientific opinion that believes in anthropogenic. I don't know whether consensus require unanimity, but that *is* the present majority belief. They may be wrong, but thats what most environmental scientists believe. Trust me, I work in the area.
To state otherwise is to be totally out of touch with the scientific literature.
What could be simpler?
The fact that you persistently and erroneously exaggerate the size of the anti-camp within the scientific community -- mainly due to their hefty funding, loud voices and desire to appear iconoclasts.