tarquin wrote:
A *very long time ago* I suggested we implement sysnonyms of the REDIRECT keyword, that would indicate the type: #MISSPELLING #DEPRECATED for subpages, etc and plain old #REDIRECT would correspond to a "see also" entry.
If you do do this, please deprecate #REDIRECT and use (say) #SEE instead. Otherwise it will be very difficult to find redirects that have not already been considered.
In other words, "#REDIRECT" should mean "redirect, but someone should look at this and decide whether it's #SPELLING, #SUBTOPIC, or #SEE". Especially the move function should use this (unless, of course, you also extend that and let the mover choose).
I'm suggesting #SPELLING instead of #MISSPELLING so it can encompass both misspellings and alternate spellings/capitalisations.