I notice that the article on the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon has recently been deleted, and it has in fact been deleted many times over the years.
However, according to stats.grok.se, this article is quite popular, having been viewed *around 350 thousand times since 2007*. Here's the script I wrote:
for i in $(wget --quiet -O- http://stats.grok.se/en/200712/Baader-meinhof%20phenomenon | grep '>2' | cut -f2 -d'>' | cut -f1 -d'<');do wget --quiet -O- http://stats.grok.se/en/$i/Baader-meinhof%20phenomenon | grep 'has been viewed' | sed 's/.*viewed//;s/ //g';done
201402: 67419 201401: 20892 201312: 19924 201311: 5886 201310: 757 201309: 1801 201308: 756 201307: 1019 201306: 1153 201305: 3548 201304: 1092 201303: 1565 201302: 746 201301: 2291 201212: 586 201211: 612 201210: 1062 201209: 586 201208: 360 201207: 326 201206: 238 201205: 277 201204: 286 201203: 298 201202: 392 201201: 743 201112: 392 201111: 566 201110: 571 201109: 460 201108: 778 201107: 1735 201106: 452 201105: 368 201104: 409 201103: 336 201102: 649 201101: 475 201012: 295 201011: 274 201010: 373 201009: 325 201008: 363 201007: 609 201006: 844 201005: 751 201004: 810 201003: 522 200712: 454 Total: 348201
Wikipedia's policies are irrelevant: This phenomenon has entered the lexicon, and is now well known simply due to its existence in Wikipedia. Since the phenomenon didn't have a well known name, I've been telling people about it for quite some time now, and it has recently enjoyed a huge surge in popularity, *due to its existence on Wikipedia*.
The article should reinstated, a section concerning the unique nature of its notability should be added.
Brian Mingus