I have given you a small amount of money to your site. This will never
happen again if you do not change your article on Keith
Ablow. I am his patient and I am deeply offended on the new added
"professional ethics" part of your page on him. Keith has never ever been
texting anyone he is my doctor, cares deeply about me, listens, helps me
like no one in my life and there is zero reason to say on your website
attacks on him in the "professional contact" section newly added. I am
deeply offended as this is not based on facts but opinion of someone that
may or may have not been treated by him. He is a wonderful physician and
healer. That section about him should be removed immediately as it is
based on opinion not on fact. Your website should be about facts not
opinion. Not a dime from me further until that opinion is removed. That
is opinion (and it is not even true) and not fact. Makes me furious.
Ali Norris