The allegations against me have, over the months since my initial 1 week ban, continuned to progress from grossly exaggerated and unsubstantiated, to completely fallacious. I did NOT attempt to add speculative material to the article [[Lynne Thigpen]] - I merely readded (and slightly improved) an addition made by another user as Zoe had removed their addition. The information which I added was that several news sources have indicated that a heart attack was the likely cause of Thigpen's death. The information which Zoe deleted (and which led her to protect the article, against wiki policy, after an edit war developed) was that several news sources have reported that a heart attack was the likely cause of Thigpen's death. I have now been accused of adding that Thigpen's death WAS caused by a heart attack, and neglecting to mention that this information was speculation. Such charges are blatantly false and a clear indication that there, something, is amiss in the much spouted philosophy of "WikiLove". Even IF I had committed the error in question, the appropriate course of action for Zoe, as a so-called "professional editor" would be to edit my text and note that the information was not from an official medical autopsy. Do I argue that all of my actions have been appropriate? Of course not, just as Jtdirl does to other users, I referred to mav as a "fucking asshole". I did that because he, like Zoe, feels that the best thing to do with a user's potentially imperfect edit is to delete said imperfect edit. In the situation above, mav was deleting my additions to [[Earth]] because I edited a table in a manner inconsistent with the wiki convention on planets, a convention that only elitists could expect a newbie to know about. Don't even try to tell me the cabal feels differently, we all saw how Fred Bauder's additions to [[communist state]] were treated, they weren't edited, they were DELETED. In the words of many members of the cabal *DELETEDELETELDELETE* If you people are going to continunally discuss the "damage" I cause to your site, it would be appropriate if you would attempt to, at the very least, create a facade of justice. And just in case anybody cares, the [[History of the Soviet Union]] still says "Romanov tsarist regime" which, we all know, is a very POV statement.
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