Le mar 18/08/09 14:25, "Marc Bantle" openmoko@rcie.de a écrit:
We have currently a few tickets often, and to my
opinion, would be great to have an update:
New header fields
I'm not sure if this is related, but if yes, could you consider clearing up the Title issue in this context. Unfortunately I didn't have time to fully understand the issue and answer your mails. Chances are good I will catch up this week.
"Title issue", do you haev a link to the ticket? You can have a look the this feature request with details here: http://bugs.openzim.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4
5 zimreader on arm: miss-aligned dirent
Patch were proposed from Marc, Tommi, can you give
him a feedback
I'm afraid I'm the one that owes feedback. I meanwhile compiled recent version of cxxtools and zimlib and the two Bugs seem to be fixed. Do you want me to mark them "resolved" or how is your typical procedure ?
6 zimreader on arm: cxxtools/m4/asmtype.m4 broken
for arm architecture
Marc wait on a feedback
See above!
You are the bug reporter, if you say this is OK now, bugs seem to be fixed, this is OK for me.
I have closed and taged as fixed the following tickets: * http://bugs.openzim.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5 * http://bugs.openzim.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6
Thank you for your feedback Emmanuel