after more than 6 months work on this new Kiwix version, I'm proud to announce the first alpha of the 0.9 branch.
The most important improvement is that this version re-introduces the MS Windows support which was avoided for in the 0.8 branch.
You have here the full changelog:
* ZIM library management outside the profile * Windows support & installer * First version of the search suggest feature (ID: 2799913) * New icon (with white background) (ID: 2981323) * New ZIM HTTP server called "kiwix-serve" (GNU/Linux only) * New Command line indexation tool called "kiwix-index" (GNU/Linux only) * Allow drag&drop over the UI to open a ZIM file * Auto detection of the UI locale at the first start (GNU/Linux only) * New "Recently open" menu * New internal library of ZIM (to be able to manage many ZIM files) * New Hebrew, Portuguese, Chinese and Persian localization * New Bookmarks and Notes system (coming from Moulinwiki) * New script to compact search engine indexes in the profile called "kiwix-compact.sh" (ID: 2834599) * Translate ISO code in the language sub-menu (ID: 2834600) * New "Save Page" (in files) feature (ID: 175508) * New "Print as PDF" feature * kiwix.sh check for current path (ID: 2850487) * First result is now only loaded with a pretty good score (ID: 2845850) * "Report a bug" and "request a feature" links in the UI * Fixing issue affecting ZIM file loading with accented paths (ID: 2905488) * New feature to clean the profile at the end of the session (optional) * Redesign of the "About" dialog box
This version uses the last SVN trunk version of openZIM with all their improvements. All of them except the meta-datas are used, but next release will also use the meta-data and introduce stemming and stopwords. Combining with the upcoming new Xapian backend called chert, Kiwix should really have smaller search engine indexes.
The links: * Windows portable binary + installer: http://sourceforge.net/projects/kiwix/files/kiwix-0.9-alpha1-win.zip/downloa... * Sources for GNU/Linux and Windows: http://sourceforge.net/projects/kiwix/files/kiwix-0.9-alpha1-src.bz2/downloa... * Windows portable binary + installer + WP1EN 0.7 + index: http://tmp.kiwix.org/tmp/kiwix-0.9-alpha1-win+wp1en0.7.zip
Cheers Emmanuel