Hi all,
three days of LinuxTag are almost past, tomorrow is the last day.
It was very interesting, many people came by that already knew about openZIM and were specifically talking to us. That was very surprising for me.
Tomorrow there will be a workshop of Tommi and me, 13:00 - 14:00 in room "New York 2", so if you know people in the area spread the word.
These days I have also tried to look for new adopters and other interested parties, so I talked to SugarLabs (the software developers for the XO computers / OLPC), I visited the WeTab presentation and had several discussions about Android (but with few results). Unfortunately Linux4Africa is not present this year, now that I have managed that we get our booth next to these educational projects. SkoleLinux is still on my list.
Tweets: http://www.twingly.com/search?q=%23openzim&sort=published&content=mi...
WeTab: http://wetab.mobi/
My Notes: http://openzim.org/Talk:LinuxTag_2010