Le dim 17/05/09 23:15, "Tommi Mäkitalo" tommi@tntnet.org a écrit:
I got the dump from Josch and made a zim file out of it. Also I successfully created a index file. The article file can be downloaded at http://openzim.org/download/wikipedia-de.zim and the index file at http://openzim.org/download/wikipedia-de-x.zim.
I have tested the first file with Kiwix and it works although the rendering ist not really clean. IMO we will have to take a little bit time at the Linuxtag, if I come, to see if something is wrong.
Unfortunately I just hit a bug in the search engine. I don't know yet, if this is a bug in the indexer (and though in the index file) or the search engine. I have to make further investigations.
Still the article file should be ok.
Great... and it seems that you have catch this bug yesterday ;)
Tasks for me to do for the DVD are:
- make the zimreader functional (it currently does not compile, but it
should be no major problem
- create a main page, where to start (if someone is willing to do that, it
would be welcome)
For the main page I decided to write an article about our project, our plans and the linux tag 2009 DVD. Also a short introduction how to use the reader should be included.
An open issue is still the list of authors. Yesterday I was in a book shop and saw a wikipedia book with about 50000 selected german articles. It just listed all authors in a appendix. Looks like it would be enough, if we add a file (or a article in the zim file) on the DVD with this list. I just need that list. Tommi
Ok, the situation is more or less the same on my side: * I have released the first betat of Kiwix 0.8 yesterday : http://tmp.kiwix.org/bin/kiwix-0.8-beta1+xulrunner.tar.bz2 * A new optimized released of the ZIM file in english : http://tmp.kiwix.org/zim/wikipedia_en_wp1_0.7_30000+_05_2009_alpha6.zim
This is not perfect... but should be functionnal and without big bug. For this reason, I think these releases are the one for the LinuxTag DVD (if we have enough place for the ZIM).
Questions: * What is the deadline for the ISO? * Where is the architecture of the DVD? * Do we have to upload something ? where?
Regards Emmanuel
Planings for the Wikipedia DVD are ongoing on:
Thanks to Tommi and Emmanuel who are doing the job this weekend! We need the ISO quickly to have enogh time to copy it.
Manuel Schneider a écrit :
Planings for the Wikipedia DVD are ongoing on:
Thanks to Tommi and Emmanuel who are doing the job this weekend! We need the ISO quickly to have enogh time to copy it.
I wanted to have a look at this page to see what are the requirements for the jacket. Unfortunately, the wiki is currently unavailable. A process requiring a lot of CPU is probably currently running.
This is IMO a problem we have to resolve ASAP: wiki should be always available.