I have released a new ZIM file with ~30.000 articles (text+thumbs) in Italian. http://tmp.kiwix.org/zim/wikipedia_it_kiwix_30000+_06_2009_alpha2.zim
This should allow Frederico to test with a little bit more articles as 1000 (unlike the last time). I have in addition put a footer to each article about license, history, etc...
A few bugs and feature request are still open and part of them will be again fixed in the next release with this time ~80.000 articles.
I have also released the beta3 of Kiwix 0.8 fixing a few issues and integrating the UI Italian translation (translation by Frederico). http://tmp.kiwix.org/bin/kiwix-0.8-beta3+xulrunner.tar.bz2
I have also started to work on the Windows porting and it looks until now pretty good for the Kiwix part (everything but not libzim). About libzim porting, we will have in two weeks a dev. meeting in Berlin, and I think this will be a topic we should discuss.
Enjoy testing! Emmanuel