Has decided to write this email to keep you informed. For the past two months has begun a process of selection of articles. The selection uses the same criteria used in WP 1.0. in English. The number of articles is about 30,000. The selection process will use the following formula sets:
Spanish WP beta = (A U B U C) - D
A = Selection of the first 30 thousand articles in order of internal and external (<LANGLINKS>, <PAGELINKS> and <HITCOUNT>).
Select name, id_article from articles order by <LANGLINKS>, <PAGELINKS>, <HITCOUNT> LIMIT 30,000
B = Spanish version of the list of articles included in WP 1.0 in English. If there is a corresponding article in Spanish. C = articles to be added manually.
For its encyclopedic value => good, quality articles.
D = list of articles to be removed. By different factors: sexually explicit, controversial or controversial, violence and general audience sensitive content
Additionally, WikiTrust extract the best version ID, ie the best version in the history ID for each article.
Everyone is invited to contribute.
I am at your service.
The project contact is:
P.D. I have spoken to Martin A. Walker and Jessie Wild to help me through the process of automatic selection of the first joint.
Great job Wilfredo Continue on that way.
I wait to your first good list of articles with revision ids to prepare the corresponding ZIM files.
Regards Emmanuel
On Wed, 25 May 2011 16:15:23 -0430, Wilfredo Rodriguez wrote:
Has decided to write this email to keep you informed. For the past two months has begun a process of selection of articles. The selection uses the same criteria used in WP 1.0. in English. The number of articles is about 30,000. The selection process will use the following formula sets:
Spanish WP beta = (A U B U C) - D
A = Selection of the first 30 thousand articles in order of internal and external (, and ).
Select name, id_article from articles order by , , LIMIT 30,000
B = Spanish version of the list of articles included in WP 1.0 in English. If there is a corresponding article in Spanish. C = articles to be added manually.
For its encyclopedic value => good, quality articles.
D = list of articles to be removed. By different factors: sexually explicit, controversial or controversial, violence and general audience sensitive content
Additionally, WikiTrust extract the best version ID, ie the best version in the history ID for each article.
Everyone is invited to contribute.
I am at your service.
The project contact is: [1] [2]
P.D. I have spoken to Martin A. Walker and Jessie Wild to help me through the process of automatic selection of the first joint. -- Atte. [[User:Wilfredor]]
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[1] [2]