Hi all.
I have a rendering problem that I am desparately trying to hunt down. Please have a look at low zoom tiles (I use the (modified for b/w) original osm stylesheet, the newest one, for mapnik 2.0). Of course I use mapnik2 as well.
Z0: http://drangmeister.net/osm/wz0.png Z1: http://drangmeister.net/osm/wz1.png Z2: http://drangmeister.net/osm/wz2.png
Look at parts of Australia missing. I confirmed it has nothing to do with recent remapping efforts in that area :-)
Zooming to Fiji at Z4: http://drangmeister.net/osm/wz4.png you see that the islands are missing.
Zooming further in to Z10 they appear: http://drangmeister.net/osm/wz10.png
So it looks as if there's a vertical strip worth about 1 tile wide around the 0° / 360° longitude that is not rendered, independent of the zoom. I.e. at Z0 halve australia is missing, at Z4 only Fiji and NZ is missing, at Z10 only maybe an island of Fiji is missing.
Here is the relevant part of the stylesheet for rendering:
<Style name="world"> <Rule> <MaxScaleDenominator>250000000000</MaxScaleDenominator> <MinScaleDenominator>750000</MinScaleDenominator> <PolygonSymbolizer fill="#eeeeee"/> </Rule> </Style>
<Layer name="world" status="on" srs="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +no_defs +over"> <StyleName>world</StyleName> <Datasource> <Parameter name="type">shape</Parameter> <Parameter name="file">/home/osm/data/world_boundaries//shoreline_300</Parameter> </Datasource> </Layer>
If I rename shoreline_300.shp away then I cannot render anything due to errors, so it's the correct file being used.
It also appears to be no problem of the database, because as with Fiji, the data is there, just not being rendered in Z4.
Is there a "render bounding box" somewhere I don't know, maybe in tirex? There's nothing suspicious in the /etc/tirex config files.
Kind regards, Kay
Am 01.02.2012 22:05, schrieb Peter Körner:
If I rename shoreline_300.shp away then I cannot render anything due to errors, so it's the correct file being used.
Did you try fetching a new version of that file?
Yes. If rendered with a small python program: http://crite.net/fr/ it is rendered correctly, which shows that mapnik2 is OK and the data is OK.
So I believe that either * tirex * my tirex configuration, e.g. extents or projection * mapnik C++ bindings (used by tirex) is broken.
I'd wish I had a small C++ test rendering program which would let me verify item 3.
Kind regards, Kay