On 01/02/2012 12:33 PM, Kay Drangmeister wrote:
Hi all,
Happy new year!
Am 01.01.2012, 23:58 Uhr, schrieb Kai Krueger kakrueger@gmail.com:
Over the past month, the server has been busy trying to re-render all of the tiles to try to ensure more up-to date maps. This process is more or less complete now and all of the map tiles should then be at least from the 1st of December 2011.
While it does not matter much, here's a still old one: http://a.www.toolserver.org/tiles/parking-bw/17/69173/44572.png/status So I hope it's just not finished yet, but not broken :-)
A bit of both I think... ;-). It seems it is less finished than I originally thought. It is now already on the third pass through with render_old, which should render all of the old tiles.
However, Tirex still needs to be regularly restarted due to memory leaks, and in the past to tweak some settings. In the time it needs to restart, the requests get dropped.
There also still seem to be occasionally issues with socket errors, such that some requests again get dropped.
By the looks more tiles got missed on the first and second pass than I had expected, so we'll see how long the third pass still takes.
As one month old tiles is still not overly satisfying, I am now trying to re-activate diff based tile expiry again.
Off-topic question: is space also a rare resource? I.e. is it needed to delete old tiles (e.g. ones that have been rendered once but are never requested again since)?
Yes, space is an issue.
The tiles are on a large 5Tb NFS array that is shared between all toolserver users. Exactly how much can be used for osm tiles is a little flexible I guess, but of cause one needs to be considerate with other users and in total only about 150Gb of space was left. Therefore DaB has started to delete old tiles yesterday to free up some space. ( https://jira.toolserver.org/browse/MNT-1168 )
I let a du run a couple of days ago (before the deleting of old tiles) and the result was the following:
377G /tiles/ 165G /tiles/default 134G /tiles/hikebike 31G /tiles/osm-no-labels 9.4G /tiles/bw-mapnik 6.5G /tiles/germany 5.6G /tiles/parking-bw 5.4G /tiles/bw-noicons 3.5G /tiles/osm-labels-de 3.3G /tiles/osm-locale-de 1.9G /tiles/osm-labels-ru 1.9G /tiles/osm-labels-fr 1.2G /tiles/osm-locale-hsb 909M /tiles/osm-labels-pl 868M /tiles/osm-labels-it 835M /tiles/osm-labels-en 728M /tiles/osm-labels-es 722M /tiles/osm-locale-zh 621M /tiles/bicycle 586M /tiles/osm-labels-nl 391M /tiles/shape-names 347M /tiles/osm-labels-da 307M /tiles/lighting 272M /tiles/powermap 248M /tiles/osm-labels-no 185M /tiles/osm-labels-fa 173M /tiles/osm-labels-ca 99M /tiles/parktrans 92M /tiles/osm-labels-ro 86M /tiles/mtb-overlay 83M /tiles/bicycle_network 74M /tiles/osm-labels-he 67M /tiles/osm-labels-sv 66M /tiles/osm-labels-et 61M /tiles/osm-labels-gsw 56M /tiles/osm-labels-zh 52M /tiles/surveillance 52M /tiles/osm-labels-lv
Other styles are less than 50Mb each currently.
I have activated tile expiry [...] osm-labels-lv osm-labels-nl osm-labels-no osm-labels-pl osm-labels-ru germany default hikebike
Please excuse my ignorance, but what is "default"? Is it the same as "osm"?
Yes, that is the name of the "default" mapnik style used on osm.org. It is just called default for legacy reasons really.
Cheers, Kay
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